Grês, técnica da lastra, cozido a 1200ºC, 70 x 70 x 25 cm. 2013
"És a minha flor"
Grês, técnica da lastra, cozedura a 1180ºC, 70 x 70 x 60 cm. 2013
"O que me rodeia"
Grês, técnica do bloco, cozedura a gás a 1250ºC e cozedura a lenha com soda a 1250ºC. 2013
Publico a intervir no meu trabalho
Resultado final depois da inauguração
Estes foram três trabalhos que fiz durante o simpósio ( fiz um outro que irá para as restantes exposições) e que um deles teria como objectivo a intervenção do publico de Gmunden - "O que me rodeia", que tinha este pequeno texto a acompanhar:
"Surrounded by the Gmunden Mountains, I began to think about how historical geographical, cultural, economical and political borders changed within our contemporary context of communication. Although still ruled by economical factors, a subliminal line of thought - though artistc creation - can act as symbolic link between humans and their different cultures. Following these reflexions, i propose in this work a trade of goods. A trade of goods filled with memories and personal experiences that makes us think about the conditions of the human beings."
"Surrounded by the Gmunden Mountains, I began to think about how historical geographical, cultural, economical and political borders changed within our contemporary context of communication. Although still ruled by economical factors, a subliminal line of thought - though artistc creation - can act as symbolic link between humans and their different cultures. Following these reflexions, i propose in this work a trade of goods. A trade of goods filled with memories and personal experiences that makes us think about the conditions of the human beings."
O publico gostou muito da ideia e interviu quase na totalidade só no primeiro dia. No final os objectos e as mensagens tinham substituídos a cerâmica. Objectivo atingido, portanto!
Como referi anteriormente, a exposição está patente em Gmunden até ao final do mês e depois segue pela europa fora durante dois anos.
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